Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Like a virgin..again?

There are so many crazy concoctions out on the market that people don't think twice anymore. We see people spending money on frivilous things all the time. Especially feeble-minded people with extra money to spend. There's a new surgery out there that can actually tighten a woman, and make her like she was when she was yonger. Well, I found a cream online that apparently does the same thing as what a surgeon would do for you, but a lot less cheaper and less invasive. It's called "Virgin Cream", and according to the website,"A Plain-Looking Woman Can Become 350% More Sexually Attractive To Almost Any Man On Earth!". Wow, that's quite a statistic, i've never heard that before. The media knows that everyone wants to look younger, and women will try different things to obtain the standard of beauty. I find it quite funny because not many people want to talk about this. It's embarrasing and just an awkward thing to converse about. My question is even if you're older why does a woman need to be as tight as she was before she had sex? Maybe it's just me, but I don't understand the concept. Maybe if someone was older and looking for a mate and she had had kids before. The media has corrupted our minds with the idea that you have to be perfect, you have to look younger, etc. I understand people care about their image but this is just taking it a little too far. This product says that, "It maintains natural color and a "teenage" appearance!". As well as, "It dramatically increases the intensity, frequency and quality of a woman's orgasms!". I can see where some women would want to use this cream if it really did all that. In my opinion, I don't see this cream being a powerful as it says it is. I believe it's a hoax, anyone can make up statistics, yet people still continue to buy the product.


  1. Oh the conversation we you, Kate, and I had about this stuff today. I totally agree with you but I would call it more of a scam. Kind of along the lines of that Acai berry Diet pill scam. I know it's a scam because I fell for it... I'm ashamed to admit. But like you said people will buy anything...But I don't see how putting a cream in that area can make you more attractive...can Guys like sense that you are tight or something?

  2. I believe that even though people know these products are hoax, they still end up buying into because the idea of being young and attractive is installed in the human mind. I don't understand myself how the product could make anyone younger looking especially if its not going on your face. It's just a bunch of lies the media has came up with again in order to make the money needed to stay aloft.
